Center Examination :
Examination of all the courses is normally held at Navi Mumbai Center. Examinations are also held at the authorized IBM’s examination centers throughout India ,subject to the availability of sufficient number of examinees at the given place.
Assignment Based Postal Examination :
The Institute has a provision for assignment based postal term end examination also. Under this scheme, the Question Papers (For Final Examination) are sent to the student via an email address provided to the student as the examination schedule given in the admission letter. These are to be completed/answered an submitted in the Institute according to the time limit being given by the Exam Department . In the absence of any express option, The Students are advised to dispatch the response sheets to the Institute by registered post/courier to ensure their . Students may submit response sheets of assignments of all the subjects together .
Re Examination :
The student may submit it in parts followed by the submission of remaining assignments/with in the specified time with the Late Fees which is Rs 500/- per papers.
Only one year pervious question papers will be issued to the student as a Learning Aid. -
If the student wants to change the specialization then he/she will have to put a mail to the examination department before asking for the Final Question Papers. With paying fees of Rs 1000/-