- Fees are subject to revision at any time.
- Course once selected will not be changed under any circumstances.
- Students can take an Extra Specialization by paying Rs 5000 in the given course DBA/PGDBA/MBA, in additional to the course fees .
- You can change the course while taking admission or the same day of admission till the working hours.
- Full Fees have to be paid at the time of admission.
- Fees once paid are not refundable under any circumstances.
- Re – Exam Fees: Rs 500 per subject.
- Duplicate issues of study material Rs 1000/- per book & Rs. 100 per Postal
- Duplicate Mark sheet & Certificate to be issued at Rs 5000/- per Mark sheet & certificate along with letter Application.
- Students who are not able to complete the course in the given duration need to pay the late fees Rs 500 per Subject & complete the Course in extension of 3 months.
- The students can establish their course back by paying Rs 1000/- as it has been cancelled by the Student or the duration is over of the course.
- Course Conversion fees Rs 1000/-.
- Exam due fees per paper Rs 500/- after paying the student will get 3 months to finish their exams, OR they would have to re-pay the exam due fees.
- The students have to pay the new book cost.
- Students whose course has got cancelled due to the completion of the duration OR the student has cancelled the course by him/her self, can establish their course by paying Rs 1500/- with the exam due fees Rs 500/- per paper and give the exams within 3 months.
- If the student has lost all the books he/she needs to pay the new book cost.