Doctor of Business Administration

Overview of the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree

A professional degree called a Doctor of Business Administration is intended for people who desire to advance or improve their business skills. People who pursue this degree frequently have prior business owner...

DBA program

What can you expect from a DBA program?

In a DBA program, you learn the most recent theories and research on business practices, such as leadership and decision-making, as well as how to carry out graduate-level research. These classes often build on...

Ph.D. different from a DBA

What makes a Ph.D. different from a DBA

Ph.D. different from a DBA. A form of a doctoral degree, the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), is perhaps the one that is conferred the most frequently. It is earned after three to four years of full-time study ...

Studying online

5 techniques for staying effective while studying online

Studying online. On the one hand, it means no more arduous commutes, slogging through college hallways, enduring uncomfortable weather, and skipping work. On the other hand, it means skipping out on the convent...

11 Pros and Cons of Distance Learning

11 Pros and Cons of Distance Learning

As you all know now the world is facing the Coronavirus pandemic, our lifestyle adjustments, nearly every factor of the arena’s life is obtaining another measurement (political, instructional, financial, all sp...

What is the distance MBA Quora

What is the Distance MBA in Quora?

A distance MBA in quora just like a regular MBA is a Master of Business Administration degree which is pursued online and not through regular in-classroom courses. A distance MBA education is a valid degree if ...

What is the value of distance MBA

What is the value of distance MBA?

Distance MBA values that are offered by institutes such as the Institute of Business Management Studies (IBMS) in Navi Mumbai are getting popular these days. They offer a high-value addition to a student’s care...

What is an MBA through distance learning

What is an MBA through distance learning?

Distance MBA is a type of MBA mostly for working professionals offered by institutes like the Institute of Business Management Studies (IBMS) located in Navi Mumbai. Distance MBA is approved by the University G...

Can I do an MBA distance course

Can I do an MBA distance course?

The popularity of the Distance MBA has gone through the roof as the demand for management professionals has increased over the past decade. People have realized the significance of an elite management degree. T...