DBA program

What can you expect from a DBA program?

In a DBA program, you learn the most recent theories and research on business practices, such as leadership and decision-making, as well as how to carry out graduate-level research. These classes often build on...

doctorate in business administration

5 Steps For A Doctor of Business Administration Program That Works

An internationally recognized doctor in business administration program will make you stand out from the competition. It also offers several possibilities to examine your longer-term financial goals and company...

Ph.D. different from a DBA

What makes a Ph.D. different from a DBA

Ph.D. different from a DBA. A form of a doctoral degree, the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), is perhaps the one that is conferred the most frequently. It is earned after three to four years of full-time study ...

Frequently Asked Questions about DBA

Frequently Asked Questions about DBA

Frequently Asked Questions about DBA. Due to their lack of knowledge of the more intricate details of the business, many management professionals all over the world have been vying for leadership positions in t...

supply chain management

What exactly is supply chain management, and why is it so crucial?

Supply chain management begins with the purchase of raw materials from a vendor and ends with the delivery of the finished product or service to the end user. It’s a web of people, organizations, resource...

Postgraduate research

What is the purpose of postgraduate research?

Your postgraduate research is all about proving that you have the capacity to make an original contribution to your subject of study. Your study will inevitably fail if you are unable to demonstrate through you...

5 marketing job

Top 5 marketing job options after an MBA

Top 5 marketing job options after an MBA are: 1. Brand Management: Marketing’s most important component is brand management. It is the process of putting a brand’s planning strategy into actio...

PGDM specializations In India

Take a look at the list of PGDM specializations In India

PGDM specializations In India. A post-graduate diploma in management is typically a normal two-year degree with over 15 specializations in several fields available to students interested in a career in manageme...

Studying online

5 techniques for staying effective while studying online

Studying online. On the one hand, it means no more arduous commutes, slogging through college hallways, enduring uncomfortable weather, and skipping work. On the other hand, it means skipping out on the convent...